Groundswell Logo


Project credits

Design: Liz Tapp & Emily Clayton at See3Media

Project Info

Founded by Valarie Kaur, Groundswell is a movement against hate. Powered by Auburn Seminary, Groundswell echoes and amplifies that call for justice welling up among the secular, the seeking, and people of faith. A movement that's not just about a single issue or political party, but a shared moral vision for a better world. Groundswell provides avenues for people of all faiths and walks of life to take strategic social action around shared moral imperatives.

I had the honor of designing the logo for Groundswell alongside Emily Clayton, as we worked for Chicago-based See3 Media. Emily and I wanted to keep the logo clean and modern — bold, clear, and undiluted. We experimented with different accompanying marks, and ultimately didn't want to distract from the power of the name "groundswell." The final form ofof the logo, shows the physical movement of a positive uprising.

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